Friday, May 15, 2020

Learning Activity for America before Columbus - 610 Words

Learning Activity over America before Columbus Question 1. What environmental factors prompted the European to look for other places to explore and colonize? Answer 1.The environmental factor that promoted the Europeans to colonize other places is because the European people had a large population of people. Because of the large population of people there was limit supply of natural resources and available food supply to support the country. Furthermore, majority of the people in Europe was in poverty, this situation means that society did not have stability in the Europeans society. The supplies in Europeans were dwindling fast and they needed another alterative. For example, when people started to build dams, the fish population suddenly declined. Europeans lakes and rivers were dirty and the seas that surrounded them were starting to be depleted. Additionally, the fresh water supply started to decline, the rivers were not reliable for the farmers. As a result, this situation caused Europeans to look for other places to explore. Lastly the Europeans had a lot of wars which caused many issues. North American was and ideal place to sett le and had an abundant supply of natural resources. Questions 2. What trade\economic factors prompted Europeans to look for other places to explore and colonize? Answer2. The Europeans has four factors that caused them to want look for other places for trade and economics. One of the trade and economic factors that prompted theShow MoreRelatedChristopher Columbus And The Middle Of A Population Revival1405 Words   |  6 Pagesas a boost in economic activity after the Black Death. Some Iberian explorers began setting out on voyages, as the revival created a demand of luxuries, such as spices, in the East. This expansion also was also caused by religious fervor. The Christian reconquista encouraged the Portuguese and Spanish to continue the Christian crusade. 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