Monday, May 25, 2020

Global War On Terrorism And Terrorism - 1367 Words

Global War On Terrorism The attack executed in the United States on September 11, 2001 was one of the worst attacks and acts of war ever seen in U.S. history. On that day 2,996 innocent people were killed, over 6,000 people were injured, and about $10 billion in structural and infrastructure damages was caused. The cost added up to $3 trillion in total. The Global War on Terrorism is a metaphor of war referring to the global military campaign led by the United States of America. The war is a NATO operation being led by the U.S. Being a NATO operation, it automatically brings more than 20 allies to the U.S.’s side of the conflict. The U.S. also has multiple non-NATO allies in the War on Terror. The war has been ongoing for just over 15 years, and has been one of the longest wars in the history of the U.S. The location is global, of course, it is in the name. The war is not set in just one location because of the fact that terrorists operate in cells spread out the world, instead of one single army. A lot like how different street gangs are spread throughout a city. Even though there is not a set location, most of the conflict is centralized in the Middle East. Specifically the countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and recently in Syria. The main issue with terrorism is that it is a strategy which uses both intimidation and violence in the pursuit of political, religious or ideological gain. Most acts of terrorism involve the killing of innocent peopleShow MoreRelatedThe Us Strategy For Winning The Global War On Terrorism1157 Words   |  5 PagesIn light of this, it should be mentioned that â€Å"the US strategy for winning the Global War on Terrorism is predicated on creating an international environment inhospitable to terrorists and all those who support them† (Fogarty 2001). 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The extent of the terrorism has increased significantly over the last couple of years, since the terrorist attacks against the US on the 11th of September 2001. After these attacks former president of the US, George Bush declared a war against terrorism. There areRead MoreTerrorism : A Common Definition Of Terrorism972 Words   |  4 Pages Most of the countries around the world call the terrorism a common enemy, but there is not a common definition of terrorism. There is not any significant unified goal and objective among the states against them, but they have their collective and shared goals. They are against the peace, stability, and development and they want to kill, destroy and spread fear. They misuse and misinterprets any faith in their favor and they try to mix terrorism with the religious ideology. And they support eachRead MoreA Global Perspective Of Beat Terrorism1420 Words   |  6 PagesHow to use a Global Perspective to beat Terrorism On July 14th, 2016, France suffered a devastating terrorist attack as a truck driver targeted his vehicle against the citizens of Nice, killing more than 50 people and injuring several more. Although 2016 has not ended, the world has suffered more terrorist attacks this year than any other year in history (Dorell). The group spearheading terrorist attacks in recent years is the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, a radical Sunni Muslim organization

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