Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysing the Historical Content of the Crucible - 1409 Words

In this essay, I intend to analyse the historical content of The Crucible and its relevance in today s society. I believe that Arthur Miller s life and his experience of McCarthyism strongly influenced the writing of The Crucible. McCarthyism, named after Joseph McCarthy was a period of intense anti-communism, which occurred in the United States from 1948 to about 1956. During this time the government of the United States persecuted the Communist party USA, its leadership, and many others suspected of being communists. The word McCarthyism now carries the suggestion of false, hysterical accusation and large scale attacks on a minority. This anticommunist crusade stumbled in 1954, when the hearings were televised allowing the press†¦show more content†¦It also meant that people where highly suspicious of one another and reported everything as witchcraft. Similar events to Putnam s suspicious convictions of his neighbours, again appear in McCarthyism. Many of people accused during the McCarthyism era were people with high positions of power, and plenty of people would have benefited from their loses. This shows that some people will go to any length to get what they want. The language that Arthur Miller used when writing The Crucible is also very similar to the language used during the McCarthy era. Both refer to what they were objecting to as a disease that needed to be cured. Witchery threatened the purity of Salem and individuals within it. It is referred to as a scourge that must be wiped out. Souls could be cleansed by admitting your sins, and being with God, even though perhaps you had never left him in the first place, but did not want to risk being hanged. Similar events happened during McCarthyism. When someone said they were a communist to avoid having to endure a long trial, they would never be seen the same way again. Despite the fact that there are so many similarities between The Crucible and McCarthyism, there will obviously be some differences too. For example, in The Crucible many are hanged because they are believed to be witches but no-one was sentenced to the death penalty if they are accused of being a communist. Also, in The CrucibleShow MoreRelated Looking at the similarities and context of the plays; The Crucible,1001 Words   |  5 PagesLooking at the similarities and context of the plays; The Crucible, St. Joan and Antigone I shall be comparing the following three plays: The Crucible, St. Joan, and Antigone. I will be analysing the plays contents so that I can look at the similarities between the three of them and communicating the ideas that each of the three main characters have similar characteristics. The Crucible was written by playwright Arthur Miller and was first produced in 1953. The play is set in Salem, MassachusettsRead MoreEssay about The 2008 Financial Crisis3160 Words   |  13 Pageson character and virtue at an individual level, and even less at the organizational level (Wright et al., 2007). Significant developments have been made in defining the components or construct of character by Peterson et al. (2004). Examining historical categorizations of personality and character, they have tested and classified 24 trait-like â€Å"character strengths† that support six universal and cross-cultural â€Å"moral virtues.† In summary, â€Å"character is an increasingly important topic of discourse

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay GIG The Book to Help Decide Your Major - 1314 Words

You are a freshman entering college with wide eyes and a bright smile, curious to the intricacies of the new world by which you seem to be encompassed. Upon entering your first day of your first English class, the teacher holds up a piece of literature encased in lively yellow binding. It is a book that is used as required reading material for that class. The first thing that you note is that the book looks far less intimidating than some of the other published documents you are forced to acquire during your first semester at the university. And, unlike the others, this one will be of some use to you later on in life. It can provide you a sense of direction in your current stint of utter confusion. This book is known as GIG. More than†¦show more content†¦That, in turn, will give you a broader collection of options to consider. Ergo, your major search should become easier. When thinking of the chapters to include in my new version of GIG, I had to keep two main areas of focu s in mind. I had to include chapters that seem to be relevant to the reader in some aspect while also captivating the reader’s attention. It is hard to find that balance in a majority of the chapters. A lot of them seem to be long winded and boring, while others just seem to be irrelevant, meaning; the knowledge does not interest the average reader simply because it does not pertain to them. Hence, I wanted to pick my chapters based on the job titles that both interests the reader and relates to them. To me, those chapters are Bodies and Souls, Children and Teachers, Sellers and Goods, Internet Related Jobs, and Government and Lawyers. These chapters take you along on another’s journey that readers can appreciate for its applicability to their own lives. A baby is born, calm and still, taking in the wonders of the new world. Down comes a gloved hand, patting the rear of the babe to produce a wailing noise. You are that baby, and you were just touched by the hand of a h ealer. Everyone, you included, has encountered a doctor, nurse, or some other form of medical personnel at some point in their lives. For the most part, our first encounter is at birth. Ergo, the firstShow MoreRelatedThe Current And Future Structure Of The Music Industry2891 Words   |  12 Pageslaid out in the following manner: Source: (Dustry, 2015) PART 1 - Labels, publishers and the Live Sector. Labels Firstly the focus of this report will be on the roles and the position of music labels. There are two types of music label; a â€Å"major† label and an â€Å"indie† (independent label). A music label is a separate entity which will supply an agreement between the artist and the label for a certain number of tracks to be recorded, manufactured and sent out. Usually this agreement is in theRead MoreEssay On Opening A Business1548 Words   |  7 Pageson your vision eventually. Make sense of something that will constrain you into movement, says Holdford. 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These acts areRead MoreThe Past and Future of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Essay2775 Words   |  12 Pagesto work together. In 1984, the Exchange Carriers Standards Association (ECSA) proposed a method to interconnect the fiber optic systems from multiple vendors. (Woods, 2000) Metrobus which was developed by ATT’s Bell Laps would later turn into a m ajor project that helped pave the way for SONET. Metrobus was designed to be the first long-haul high-speed optical transport network for Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). Some features that were introduced by Metrobus such as single-step multiplexingRead MoreGoogle Apple and Microsoft Struggle for Your Internet Experience5250 Words   |  21 PagesGeneral Information about the iPad The iPad is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc., primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, apps and web content. Its size and weight fall between those of contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. The iPad runs on iOS, the same operating system used on Apple s iPod Touch and iPhone, and can run its own applications as well as iPhone applications. Without modification, theRead MoreVerbs Tenses - Gap Filling Exercises11244 Words   |  45 Pages(listen) to music. 6. Your skirt _________________ (be) great? It ________________ (look) fantastic in you. 7. What happened to Julie? I _______________________ (not see) her recently. 8. We _______________________ (wait) for the train for half an hour now. We ________________ (get) fed up! 9. Can you help me with the homework? I _____________________ (not know) how to do this Maths exercise. 10. When my friends __________________ (come) to my house, I __________________ (help) my mother with theRead MoreBusiness Enterprise Management10394 Words   |  42 Pagesthanks to Denise Archer for her contributions to my understanding of accountancy and her fabulous carrot soup which inspired the concept for my business venture. Thank you to William Ang’awa and Christopher Bushell for your knowledge, guidance and patience in the subject area, your support has been invaluable and I feel I am now more in touch with my inner entrepreneur, something I was not previously aware of. I would also like to thank my partner for continually motivating me to study and stay focusedRead MoreAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pagestimeliness. The decision maker must decide which trade-offs are warranted in a given situation. 1-1 Ch. 1: Accounting Information Systems: An Overview 1.3 You and a few of your classmates decided to become entrepreneurs. You came up with a great idea for a new mobile phone application that you think will make lots of money. Your business plan won second place in a local competition, and you are using the $10,000 prize to support yourselves as you start your company. a. Identify the keyRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 Pagesrequire up-to-date materials and inspiration to match the current environment. While this book includes the latest application essays, which are updated regularly by the ad... missions committee, it retains several essaysfrom the first edition of the book because of their uniqueness as well as to reflect typical question topics that may reappear in future admissions applications. It is worth noting that this book is created by The Harbus News Corporation, an independent nonprofit entity, not the HarvardRead MoreChapter 6 – Analyzing Business Markets23838 Words   |  96 PagesChapter 6 – Analyzing Business Markets True/False Questions 1. SAP is a German software company that helps businesses automate their finance and management systems. True (easy) pp. 101–102 2. Organizational buying is the decision-process by which organizations establish and satisfy their needs for goods and services. True (moderate) p. 102 3. Mining, manufacturing, banking, and distribution services are all considered part of the business market. True (easy) p. 102 4. Schools and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Unusual Circumstances free essay sample

Mistakes in life are like the first time you jump into a pool without knowing how to swim; it allows you to realize it’s not a good idea and learn how to correct it before you end up drowning again. You’ll never learn anything in life without making mistakes first because they are the best learning experiences. My dad was that daring little boy that would jump in the deep end of the pool not knowing how to swim. Although he knew he would drown every time he had to keep trying it until he realized he needed to begin in the shallow to become a great swimmer. When I was about twelve years old my father was incarcerated. At thirty-six years old he was still trying to jump into the deep end without learning how to swim first. Instead of finishing high school and going to college he took the easy path and became a mechanic. We will write a custom essay sample on Unusual Circumstances or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A couple of years later, young and clueless, he met the wrong people and decided that he wanted to live extravagantly like them. He kept his job as a mechanic to cover up what he was doing on the side. We moved to a nicer house and bought luxurious cars, my sister and I had everything we could ever dream of. As he became more powerful in the drug industry our perfect little family grew apart. Although he fully supported us he stopped coming home at night and when he did he was drunk as could be. That’s when the domestic violence started; all I remember was we would have our bags packed and ready to go by the door, as soon as my dad pulled up in the front of the house we would run out the back door and go stay at a cheap motel. We lived like this for nine years and to be honest I felt bad for my dad it was like he kept drowning in the endless deepness of the pool with no possible way up. But despite every hardship he put us through he was everything in my eyes. When he was incarcerated he my world was shredded to pieces. I was the little girl drowning in the deepness of the water, that couldn’t seem to find her way back up. I started doing horribly in school; I went from a straight A student to a student who sat in the back of the classroom to staring off into space. I didn’t care about school, and I felt that I had no reason to do well in school. I wanted to punish my dad for not being there for me, and show him that I needed him. I started acting up at home because I thought it would bring my dad back up from the dark deep water, but I was only drowning my mother and I deeper into the water. One day I received a letter from my dad, it was the first one ever and he wrote it because he owed me an explanation. He explained to me that he didn’t go to college of finish high school because he was rebellious and just wanted to have fun. He said it was the biggest regret in his life and if I wanted to have to support my family in the future the way he had to then to continue on the path I was headed. But I still had time to come up from the deep dark water and revive myself so I can open my eyes to the beautiful sunshine. I didn’t want to have to live like that in the future. I would never want my kids to drown in the deepness of water but to instead float on top of the water. I realized my dad was given an opportunity to come up from the water and revive himself to. He was incarcerated to realize that what he was doing was wrong and improve his life. He learned a lot while he was in there and came out a changed man. He had to make the mistake of jumping into the deep end and drowning before he could realize that he had to begin in the shallow first to become a great swimmer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Women and The Bible Essay Example For Students

Women and The Bible Essay Women and The BibleThe Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in theway of womans emancipation. A famous 19th century feminist named Elizabeth Cady Stanton voiced thisabout her struggle for womens freedom. Women, considered a lower class than themen, wanted this subjugation changed. Part of the reason for the subjugation ofwomen is that the Bible could be interpreted in many different ways to suit theneeds of the interpreter. These interpretations of the Bible are in partresponsible for the belief that women are of a lower class than men. The reasonthis belief is present in our society is that approximately 85% of Americans areJudeo-Christian. We see examples of these beliefs when we look at the church,the daily lives of women, and the media. Looking at 1 Timothy 2:11-12, we seewhy our religious society could interpret the Bible this way:Let a woman learn in silence with all submission, and do not permit a woman toteach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. We will write a custom essay on Women and The Bible specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We must look at the historical context of the passage. Writtenapproximately 2000 years ago, many parts of the Bible seem outdated. The passageportrays a time when women were property and were trained to be weak andfragile. This stopped only about 30 years ago. Before this time, society taughtwomen from birth to be submissive to men. What does this mean to us today? Itmeans that although American Society is no longer training women to besubmissive, the problem is still present in our belief system. Many churches donot believe that women should be part of the clergy. This is because theyinterpret parts of the Bible, such as 1 Timothy 2:11-12, as saying that only menshould preach. In 1848, women made a retaliation to these sentiments. At theSeneca Falls convention, women (including Elizabeth Cady Stanton) signed aDeclaration of Sentiments. In the declaration it states:He allows her in church, as well as state, but a subordinate position,claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion fro m the ministry,and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in theaffairs of the church(Declaration 1)The people that these women fought against, including other women,believe that it is the duty of a woman to be quiet and submissive. I haveexperienced this anti-freedom dogma growing up in the Church of Christ community. I experience this dogma when I talk with my grandmother, a woman who lives bythe Word. My grandmother states that I should be a good girl and keep my mouthshut and clean. She says that if I am quiet and do not tell my opinions, peoplewill like me better that way. My grandmother tries to teach the same submissivequalities that were taught to her when she was young. We, as a society, also seethis in media. In the November 5, 1996 airing of the sitcom Cybil, the futurestepmother of Cybils daughter was giving advice to the daughter. The advice wasthat women should let men win arguments. Cybil, enraged, made told her daughterthat she did not have to submit. Along with the belief that women must be submissive and silent, there isalso the belief that women are the cause of mens downfall and therefore areevil. The last two verses we look at talk about the story of the fall of Adamand Eve. In the story of Adam and Eve, God tells Adam and Eve that there is onetree in the garden of which they must not eat. Deceived by the devil, Eve eatsfruit from the tree and then persuades Adam to eat it. This act historicallydisplays the deception of man by woman and has put women in a very bad light. ITimothy 2:13-14 states:For Adam was formed from Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the womanbeing deceived, fell into transgression. .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .postImageUrl , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:hover , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:visited , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:active { border:0!important; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:active , .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802 .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9324d1a13ce994e6eb507818a1f56802:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today EssayMeant for a different time, the basic belief that women are the cause ofmens downfall is obsolete. Some people say that this belief is not present inour society. I have heard men say that the reason that they are in the messthey are in is because of womens folly. Many popular Hollywood movies todayreflect these misogynistic attitudes and use themes that portray women as eviland deceiving. In these films, women want nothing else but to destroy men andthe order of society. One popular movie called Eve of Destruction, portrays awoman named Eve as a mechanical tool of destruction that destroys any thing thatgets in her path. The name Eve in this film indicates a link to the Eve of theBible, connotating treachery and deception and seen as a bane to mans existence. Not all the Bible portrays women as submissive and evil. Many stillbelieve that women must obey their husbands and live a life of subservience. Ifpeople look to this interpretation of the Bible for guidance, women will remaintreated as inferior. I am not saying that we need to get rid of the Bible, I amsaying that we need to get rid of interpretations of the Bible that arederogatory towards women; like the belief that women are not equal. Social Issues

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Analysis of the Differences Between Laws and Ethics

Analysis of the Differences Between Laws and Ethics Ethics refers to a set of rules or guiding principles that inform and govern people’s conduct in various situations and circumstances. For example, different professions have different codes of ethics that determine how they behave and act. Ethics influence behavior and decisions in various ways. In addition, it can be classified into different groups including personal ethics, professional ethics, and universal ethics that govern society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Differences Between Laws and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, law refers to rules or codes of practice that are created and reinforced by an authority such as a government in order to bring order and cohesion. Law is compelling because failure to adhere to its precepts leads to punishment. Moreover, law is diverse because its implementation includes various forms including constitutions, policies, term s of service, and other forms of legal provisions. Law and ethics have several similarities. First, they influence human conduct and decisions in order to benefit individuals and society. People follow ethics because it represents principles and values that direct society. On the other hand, people follow law because it creates a common ground to unify people and create order among individuals in society. Second, they serve the main aim in society. They improve the moral status of individuals in society. Law enforces certain rules with a punishment threat if broken. Ethics relies on people’s rationality and sensibilities in order to influence people’s behaviors. They are both responsible for maintenance of order and social cohesion. Law and ethics have several differences. Law is compelling while ethics is not. Breaking law results in punishment while acting without regard to ethics does not have punishment. Acting ethically is a personal responsibility while obeying l aw is mandatory for everyone. Again, they influence people’s conduct in different ways. Ethics usually affects people’s behavior with regard to how they treat those who are close to them or those whom they interact with regularly. In contrast, law affects people’s behavior with regard to people whom they rarely interact with. Ethics is defined by the values, customs, or beliefs of a community or society. In contrast, law is defined by universally accepted standards and behaviors. Ethics is immune to societal or communal change while law is not immune to change. Ethics changes only when the morals, perceptions, and values of society change. On the contrary, law can be changed by an act of a governing body or a decision by lawmakers.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ethics tells people what they ought to do and in what ways. For example, business peop le are expected to serve their customers with honesty and fairness. This concept does not apply to law because it tells people what they are not supposed to do and what they must do. It has prohibitions and mandates. Unlike ethics, it does not tell people what they should do and in what ways. Finally, ethics influences individuals internally while law influences people externally. While law is enforced, ethics is not. In conclusion, law and ethics are similar because they aim to promote order and cohesion in society. In addition, they influence behavior in ways that benefit individuals and society. On the other hand, they are different in several ways. Law is enforced while ethics is not. Law is easily changed while ethics is immune to changes. Changes depend on shifts in people’s moral values and cultures. Finally, law is binding because it tells people what they cannot do and what they must do. Ethics tells people what they ought to do. People are free to either adhere to e thics or not. On the contrary, it is mandatory to follow law.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nomenclature for hazard and risk assessment in the process industries essay

Nomenclature for hazard and risk assessment in the process industries essay Nomenclature for hazard and risk assessment in the process industries essay Nomenclature for hazard and risk assessment in the process industries essayThe choice of the bank is very important for me because it determines the safety of my funds. This is why reliability of the bank and its stability are the major factors that determine my choice of the bank. At the same time, the choice of the bank also depends on other factors that may be revealed through the analysis of the bank’s performance and its history, both long-run and short-run. At this point, I would consider carefully whether to support or not the decision to remove some of the over-burdening regulations since the performance and history of the bank can help to determine, whether the bank can afford such changes without any considerable threats and risks to its clients or not.The reasons I chose this bank are diverse but the major reason or the choice of the bank was its reliability since the bank has managed to stumble through the last economic recession and mortgage crisis successfully. M oreover, as I studied the history of the bank, which dates back to the middle of the 20th century, the bank has managed to overcome other economic crises successfully too. This is why the bank has proved to be reliable and stable. Therefore, I decided that the bank is unlikely to face a steep decline in the nearest future and I can deposit my free funds into this bank,The special features this bank offers that attracted me the most is the relatively high benefits which I could obtain for my deposits that make it more profitable than the average bank in the industry can offer to me at the moment. At least, I am taking into consideration only those banks, which have proved to be reliable and stable and which have been operating over two decades at the least (Finley, 2007). The analysis of the history of the bank is very important because it does not only shows that the bank has managed to overcome serious financial crises but also the bank’s history reveals how the bank deals w ith difficult, challenging situations, which may emerge unexpectedly. My bank has proved to be able to deal with those challenges successfully. At the same time, the ‘special feature’ of the bank is the current focus on the increasing deposit of customers of the bank. The bank has declared the increase of customers’ deposits as one of its major priorities at the moment. This is why the bank offers attractive interest rates for consumers, who want to deposit their money into the bank. The relatively high or above the average interest rate makes the bank attractive for customers, at any rate in terms of short-run investment of free funds.The regulations this bank faces concern the shift toward the effective management of customers’ deposits and increase of deposits made by consumers with regard to the level of capitalization of the bank (Seitanidi, 2008). At the moment, the bank insists on the liberalization of its policies concerning the attraction of new c ustomers and their deposits, on the one hand, and the level of capitalization of the bank on the other. The bank stands on the ground that it has sufficient capital and can raise more funds, if necessary, to cover unexpected risks and threats since the bank has extensive experience of risk management in the time of economic crises and financial difficulties, which accompanied those crises.In this regard, it is necessary to take into consideration recent changes this bank has gone through. To put it more precisely, the bank has undergone a considerable change in the course of its business development recently. The bank used to focus on both investment projects and deposits of customers. However, after the economic recession of 2008, the bank had to refuse from its investment banking operations and focused on deposits entirely. At first, the shift seemed to be painful for the bank, which was quite successful in both deposit and investment management. However, the bank preferred to foc us on more reliable branch, which was vulnerable to fewer risks compared to investment banking branch, which has started to bring the bank considerable financial losses, especially in 2007-2008 (Jones, 2012). As a result, the bank had to obey to new regulations and focused on deposits entirely. However, the bank decided to boost its deposit branch which required more liberal policies and decreasing of regulations in this field.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As for the manager’s request, I would rather support it than decline it because I believe the bank is at the strong position to keep growing and enhancing its performance, while the decrease of the overregulation will stimulate the further growth of the bank and its business development. In fact, the bank should get a chance and boost its business development after the completion of the shift toward a deposit banking business only.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, I believe that the request o f the manager should receive my support to help the bank to enhance its business development and bring me profits in the future.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Motivation and motvited Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivation and motvited - Essay Example In addition, most of the behaviors that we possess like sleeping and eating are possessed by biology. This is because of the biological need of eating and sleeping that human beings possess. Motivation requires an activity that has to be mental which include actions like planning, organizing, and physical activity that involves persistence and effort. When mentoring other people, I believe it is important for mentors to motivate and encourage individuals (Arrington, 23). For example, I ask individuals to have mini goals within their goals. In addition, short-term goals help people achieve what they want at a short time and may require minimum resources while long-term goals are achievable over a longer period. This helps individuals develop and succeed. In my opinion, as much as people are motivated to do something, there are certain blocks that make people not achieve what they want in life. There is the feeling of fear that people have, for example the fear to fail or fear of success. Fear prevents people from achieving or expressing their full potential. Most successful people take risks and do not fear to start up their goals. They get out of their comfort zones and go for what they want. I normally ask individuals to get out of their comfort zones by trying something new and not fearing that it will fail or succeed. It is vi tal for people to get encouragement and support as they advance to a higher level. Additionally, learned pessimism is another block to expressing motivation. These are habits of thought acquired by people in their childhood. If an individual believes that something bad will happen or something good will happens then it solemnly happens. Individuals should learn to have positive thoughts, to keep on encouraging themselves, and to avoid people who discourage them. I also believe that it is important to accept both positive and negative feedback from people. Positive criticism is also good since people learn from their